Thursday, January 27, 2005


And I thought that -18C or so was cold. This morning we had -32.3C by the time I was taking the kids to school. Now that's cold!

I had a concert last Sunday. There was a very fine organist who came to play from Toronto, and he was quite impressive. I had a solo number, singing 'The three kings' with the rest of the choir. Two funny things happened after I finished singing: 1) Nobody clapped! (hey, it wasn't THAT bad) and 2) There was an ambulance passing by at the same time and its siren started to play at the same time I finished singing, providing an unexpected C# to a song that was in G Maj key. Yes, it sounded pretty bad.

But the concert was good. Now I have to prepare for another concert on Feb. 20. I have not idea of what I'm going to sing...


 Y yo que me quejaba que -18C o algo así era 'frío'. Esta mañana hacía -32.3C para cuando llevaba a los chicos a la escuela. Eso es frío!

Tuve un concierto el domingo pasado. Vino a tocar un muy buen organista de Toronto, y toco muy bien. Yo tuve un solo, y cante 'Los tres reyes' junto con el coro. Dos cosas graciosas ocurrieron al final: 1) nadie aplaudio! (che, no estuvo tan mal) y 2) justo paso una ambulancia haciendo sonar la sirena en el momento en que termine de cantar, sumando un Do sostenido al final de una pieza que era en Sol mayor. Si, sono horrible.

Pero el concierto fue bueno. Ahora tengo otro concierto el 20 de Febrero, para el que me tengo que preparar. No tengo ni idea de que voy a cantar...

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