Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A smile a day - #14

(En español más abajo)
CanadaToday a bring you a couple of videos of my favourite group, “Les Luthiers”. In the first one, the ‘patient’ is telling his ‘analyst’ that he is having a recurring dream in which his friend Jorge keeps interrupting a guy playing the piano. The analyst tries to dig deep into the meaning of that dream, using big fancy words, to what the patient finally replies:
- It was Jorge!
The second video is from the same show (hard to believe these guys have been on stage for over 45 years now), and it’s a galopa (a rhythm from NE Argentina and Paraguay), in which the patient discuss his ailments with his friends. Unfortunately, I don’t have the captions for this one, so this is mostly for my Spanish-speaking audience (yeah, all four of them!)
ArgentinaHoy les dejo dos videos de mi grupo favorito, “Les Luthiers”. En el primero, Daniel –el ‘paciente’– le cuenta a su ‘analista’ sobre un sueño recurrente que tiene con su amigo Jorge Maronna interrumpiendo a alguien que toca muy bien el piano. El analista trata de interpretar el sueño, usando palabras complicadas y hablando del yo, el ello, el consciente y el subconsciente, a lo que el paciente por fin replica:
- Era Jorge!
El segundo video es del mismo show (difícil creer que esta gente lleva más de 45 años trabajando juntos!) y es una galopa (un ritmo del NE de Argentina y Paraguay), en la que el paciente les cuenta a sus amigos sobre todas sus dolencias. Presten especial atención a la ‘guitarra dulce’, una guitarra hecha con dos latas del típico dulce de batata

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, my Spanish abilities mostly come from Dora the Explorer, but I think it is TOTALLY COOL that you post things in different languages. Over the past week or so, some of the hops to which I have linked blog posts are based in other countries, with other languages. I've made use of Google Translate to comment in Norwegian, Malay and Hebrew...meant as a measure of respect for those ladies. Did I say it was "TOTALLY COOL" of you? :O) Have a great weekend!


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