(En español más abajo)
Florencia is at that age in which she loves to spend a lot of time with her father (I’m not complaining!). We’re always doing things together, whether it is reading a book, watching a movie or simply cuddling in bed (I call her every morning right after we wake up so she comes over and we can hug for a minute or two before we jump out of bed).
We certainly can’t say the same about her relationship with her brother Santi, though. They definitely don’t get along (not too strange, since they have similar personalities). I have already mentioned that Flor’s first words were “No, Santi!”, so you get the idea of how bad this is. The little one accuses her older brother of grabbing her by a foot and making her hang upside down. I have never seen that, so I can’t confirm nor deny her claims. All I see is Santi trying and trying to win Florencia over, and her rejecting him like the cat in the Pepe Le Pew cartoons. Either Flor is a really mean sister or Santi is very crafty and has convinced us all that he’s a loving brother while he’s secretly tormenting her sister. I would lean towards the second option, for sure. I would fall on the second option, to be precise.
Coming back to this story, one of the games we play with Flor consists in me putting a sad face and saying “Nobody likes me”. She immediately replies “I do like you” and comes to give me a kiss. We were having dinner last Saturday, when I decided to play that game again, though with a twist. With the whole family before me, I announced:
- Florencia, Santi says that nobody likes him…
- …
- Florencia, did you hear me? Santi says that nobody likes him! Is there anything you need to tell him?
Flor thought about it, made a brief pause and then said, quietly:
- It’s true. Nobody likes you, Santi…
Florencia está en esa edad en la que está bien pegota con el padre (yo no me quejo, no vayan a pensar!). Estamos continuamente haciendo cosas juntos, ya sea leer un libro, mirar una peli o simplemente estar tirados en la cama (yo la llamo todas las mañanas cuando nos despertamos para que venga y nos abracemos un ratito antes de levantarnos).
No podríamos decir lo mismo acerca de la relación entre Florencia y Santi, sin embargo. Son como perro y gato (en realidad, como gato y gato, porque tienen el mismo carácter). Ya conté alguna vez que las primeras palabras de Flor fueron “No, Santi!”, así que ya se darán una idea de la situación. La chiquita acusa a su hermano mayor de tomarla por un pie y ponerla cabeza abajo. Yo nunca he visto eso, así que no puedo confirmar la acusación. Todo lo que se ve es que Santiago trata y trata de congraciarse con Florencia, y éste lo rechaza como la gata al ‘zorrillo apestosó’ de los dibujitos animados. Una de dos, o Florencia es re-mala, o Santiago es muy hábil y nos tiene a todos engañados con respecto a las fechorías que le hace a su hermanita. Más que inclinarme por la segunda opción, me caigo.
Volviendo a la historia, uno de los juegos que tenemos con Flor consiste en que yo ponga cara tristona y diga “Nadie me quiere”. Enseguida salta ella: “Yo te quiero” y me viene a dar un beso. Mientras cenábamos el sábado, intenté repetir el juego, pero cambiando de destinatario. Ante la atenta mirada de la concurrencia, anuncié:
- Florencia, dice Santi que nadie lo quiere…
- …
- Florencia, me escuchaste? Santi dice que nadie lo quiere! Qué tenés que decirle?
Flor lo pensó, hizo una pausa y le dijo, lacónica:
- Sí. Nadie te quiere, Santi…
Technorati Tags: Silly Monkey story
Awwww . . . poor Santi!! :(
ReplyDeleteOuch! Poor Santi! Dakota never got along with Alonzo and Colin, but he and Grayson adored each other. Now that his is off in the Navy he always wants to talk to all of his brothers when he calls or skypes. Why did he have to move out to discover that he did like his little brothers?