In the meantime, we are having a blast in Windsor. We lost our first game 1-2 to Kitchener (goal by Santi), then beat Cambridge 3-1 (two goals by Santi). Quarter-final game was against London (Ontario) and we tied 1-1, so we went into penalty kicks, winning 5-4 (Santi scored our second).
Semi-final was against the host (Windsor), a very strong team. We were 0-2 10 minutes or so into the game, but we came back big time, winning 3-2 with three goals... all scored by Santi. The last one actually broke the net. No, really, the crossbar and the post got separated and fell to the ground! It only took five minutes to fix it, though, but too good it was plastic, that could have been dangerous.
Final game is at 6:00 PM and we're playing against our neighbours Kitchener again. Unfortunately, that game will catch me while I'm already flying, so I won't find out until I land in Atlanta for my connection.
Now, back to Santi. Six goals in four games (seven if you count the PK)... Isn't that impressive?
Mientras tanto, la estamos pasando genial en Windsor. Perdimos el primer partido 1-2 frente a Kitchener (gol de Santi), luego le ganamos a Cambridge 3-1 (dos de Santi). Cuartos de final fue frente a London (Ontario) y salimos 1-1, por lo que fuimos a penales, ganando 5-4 (Santi convirtió el segundo).
Las semis fueron frente al anfitrión (Windsor), que tiene un equipo muy fuerte. Ibamos 0-2 a los 10 minutos, pero lo remontamos de gran forma, ganando 3-2 con tres goles hechos por... Santi. Lo gracioso es que en el último gol rompió la red. De verdad, se desencajaron el poste y el travesaño y se vino el arco abajo! Sólo llevó cinco minutos arreglarlo, pero menos mal que el arco era de plástico porque podría haber sido peligroso.
La final es a las 6:00 PM y volvemos a jugar contra nuestros vecinos de Kitchener. Lamentablemente voy a estar volando cuando eso suceda, así que me enteraré del resultado cuando haga escala en Atlanta.
Ahora, el tema de Santi... Seis goles en cuatro partidos (siete, si contamos el penal)... No es increíble? Parafraseando a Mike: Maradona, Santi es argentino!!!
Wow, that's a lot of trips... while I'm sure the first one is "fun" (as fun as you can get to enjoy it since you are working), going there back and forth must be hard on you and your family.
ReplyDeleteTake care... agent 007?