Saturday, January 10, 2009

Weekly Winners #47 – Jan/04 to Jan/10

So another week is gone, and I have very few pictures to post!!! :-)
I was observing a couple of squirrels the other day; they were just outside of my house, and they were working on some home improvement. It was a lot of fun to see one of the squirrels run around grabbing some dead leaves and other stuff, while the other one was mounting guard! Unfortunately, I didn’t catch any good pictures of ‘delivery boy’ on its way back to the house, but some are still cute enough.
Otra semana que se va, y la verdad, no tengo muchas fotos que publicar!!! :-)
Estuve mirando unas ardillas el otro día; estaban justo fuera de mi casa, y trabajaban muy duro en remodelar su ‘casa’. Fue muy divertido mirar cómo una daba vueltas por todos lados recolectando hojas muertas y otras cosas, mientras la otra hacía guardia en casa! Lamentablemente, no pude obtener ninguna foto buena del ‘chico de los mandados’ camino de vuelta a casa, pero algunas de ellas son lindas igual.
If you look close, you can see both squirrels in the last shotSi miran bien, ambas ardillas aparecen en la última foto
I work hard, so I deserve a healthy snack – Trabajo duro, así que me merezco unos snacks
…and some stretching too – … y también unos ejercicios de estiramiento
I like this close-up very muchMe gusta musto este close-up
The whole set on Flickr 
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  1. I always hated how squirrels would eat all the bird food. We used to have a squirrel feeder that the squirrels never seemed to eat from. I guess they are either too stubborn or they just really like bird seed. Hmmmmmm

  2. Aww-- cute! I've seen squirrel nests far away, but never with any inhabitants

  3. Aw, how cute! I have a squirrel picture this week, too. Lots of them around here. :)

  4. I love squirrels, so cute.We don't have them in Australia.We have possums, I think they would be the closest thing. I love these, especially the first and the last

  5. Great photos! I love watching squirrels, and it's been a long time since I lived anywhere with squirrels. Here in Anchorage, Alaska, I see moose more than I see squirrels. Which is kind of weird.

  6. What a fun post!! I love squirrels so much, we used to have some of them around in our former house, and I loved watching them!

  7. Oh! What a cute photos! I bet you have the best winners this week in the Whole Internet!

  8. Ohhhh.... I hate squirrels, but those pictures are amazing! You must have had a pretty good zoom lens to get so close to the nest! Nicely done!

  9. I'm a little strange, but I do love little squirrels. I think they are adorable, and I think that you captured them awesomely.You changed the blog a bit. I likey!

  10. So cute...I love the first one of the squirrel on the feeder especially!

  11. Ahh. Love them or hate them? Nice shots.

  12. Divinas esas fotos!!!Como anhelo volver a ver ardillas....Ya protno!!Me encantan tus fotos y tus post... sigue asi!!!!!

  13. Ardillas!La única oportunidad en mi vida que tuve de verlas fue en el Queen's Park, en Toronto, pasando al lado mío.


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