Saturday, April 19, 2008

Weekly Winners #11 - Apr/13 to Apr/19

I'm back home, just arrived this morning. I'm extremely tired, so I might not even be able to coordinate and put the right pictures in here... :-)

I was away this week, so there weren't a lot of pictures. I had this one from my Manic Monday post...
It's the beautiful coastal town of Orense, in Argentina

I held my second "Where were you" on Tuesday

We remembered some good times...
like Y2K, and some bad times... Katrina.

My Wordless post on Wednesday had some lovely pictures of a little Juan...
...eating with his whole self.

And I came up with an extra WW post the following day...
I hope the hospital people didn't get mad!

And that was pretty much it! What a boring week I had!
I'm going to bed now, I have to get up at 6:00 AM (and I'm still jet lagged)

I have much better looking posts for the next week, with less pictures like this one...

Have a great week!

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  1. Karen of SillymonkeezApr 20, 2008, 6:16:00 AM

    The fireworks on the water is my favorite photo. They must have been amazing to see in person.

  2. I always love what you give us in the WW!!

  3. What an amazingly heartbreaking Katrina shot - that's incredible.

    Love the fireworks!!!

  4. The Katrina shot really is just... so sad. So many lives ruined or worse :(

    I love the fireworks :)

  5. Wow. Gorgeous fireworks, amazing but sad Katrina.

  6. Wow. Gorgeous fireworks, amazing but sad Katrina.

  7. Wow. Gorgeous fireworks, amazing but sad Katrina.

  8. Wow. Gorgeous fireworks, amazing but sad Katrina.

  9. Wow. Gorgeous fireworks, amazing but sad Katrina.

  10. Wow. Gorgeous fireworks, amazing but sad Katrina.

  11. Wow. Gorgeous fireworks, amazing but sad Katrina.

  12. that katrina shot is amazingly haunting

  13. Woman with a HatchetApr 20, 2008, 3:51:00 PM

    Those were amazing! I liked Argentina and the fireworks the best. The Katrina shot is heart wrenching.

    I put the wrong link into Lotus's linky thing. My most recent is this


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