Mi último día 'oficial' en Panamá fue activo. Empezamos temprano, ya que nos vinieron a buscar a las 7:30. Estuve trabajando solo hasta cerca de las 3:00 PM, hora en la que fuimos a almorzar. Hubo una interrupción divertida a la mañana, ya que se había fugado un preso y la policía entraba a nuestra sala para ver si el tipo se había escondido allí...
Volvimos de comer, y tuve algunos tropezones con mis tareas, que me atrasaron un poco. Lo mismo ocurrió con el resto de la gente, lo que causó que no nos fuéramos hasta cerca de las 8:45 PM. Una pena, porque me quedé sin poder ir al mall a comprarle un regalo a Florencia, y tampoco pude conocer el canal. Pero de todas maneras nos llevaron a cenar a un restaurante muy lindo frente al mar, donde comí ñoquis con mariscos, que estaban riquísimos.
Charlamos un rato, saqué algunas fotos, y a las 11:30 PM nos fuimos de vuelta para el hotel. Preparé mis valijas y me fui a dormir, asegurándome de que me iba a levantar a tiempo para no perderme mi vuelo al día siguiente.
Me encantó Panamá. La ciudad es bonita, la gente muy buena y la comida espectacular. Además, me trataron muy bien y mi trabajo aquí salió bastante bien. Espero volver pronto!

My last 'official' day in Panama was active. We started earlier, since they picked us up at 7:30. I worked by myself until around 3:00PM, when we went out for lunch. We had an amusing interruption during the morning; there was a convict who got away, and the police was coming in to check if the guy had hidden there...
We came back from our lunch and I had a few bumps with my work, which caused me to be a little behind. The same happened to the rest of the people, which caused that we didn't leave until around 8:45 PM. A pity, as I didn't have time to go to the mall and by Florencia a gift, but also I missed my chance to get to know the Panama canal. We still went out for dinner at a beautiful restaurant in front of the sea, where I had gnocchi with seafood, which were great.
We talked a while, took some pictures, and we headed back to the hotel at 11:30PM. I packed and went to sleep, making sure that I would get up in time not to miss my flight the following day.
I loved Panama. The city is beautiful, the people is very nice and the food is spectacular. Besides, they treated me very well and my work here was good. I hope I come back soon!
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