(En español más abajo)
Flor's front tooth was 'looth'. I -as usual- volunteered to take care of business, and though she was hesitant at first, the prospect of getting some well deserved money from the Tooth Fairy was enough incentive for Flor, so she agreed.
Mom was conveniently away (she can't be in the same room or even hear about pulling a tooth), so it was Carolina's job to help me, though she wasn't too much into it, as you can see from the pictures! :-)
Flor wasn't afraid, but she was nervous. Knowing that I always count to three, only to pull on 'two', she interrupted me every time we started to count:
- One... tw...
- Forty seven!
- Forty seven!
Soon we were all laughing so hard that it was almost impossible to do my job! Yes, don't let the pictures deceive you; that's her laughing, not suffering. In the end, I decided to pull as I said 'one', which caught Flor by surprise to the point that she screamed.
When she realized that she had done that, and that it hadn't hurt at all, she started to laugh uncontrollably again.
Mom was surely surprised when she came back and found the three of us crying with laughter over a 'looth tooth'!
Flor tenía un diente flojo. Como siempre, me ofrecí a ocuparme del tema, y si bien tuvo dudas al principio, la perspectiva de hacerse unos dinerillos gracias al 'Tooth Fairy' fue demasiado para ella, por lo que accedió.
Mami estaba convenientemente ausente (no puede ni siquiera tolerar que se hable de sacar un diente), así que fue trabajo de Carolina ayudarme, aunque por lo que se puede ver en las fotos, tampoco es que se esmeró mucho! :-)
Flor no tenía miedo, pero estaba nerviosa. Sabiendo que yo siempre cuento hasta tres pero pego el tirón en 'dos', me interrumpió cada vez que comencé a contar:
- Uno... do...
- Cuarenta y siete!
- Cuarenta y siete!
Nos reíamos tanto que pronto se me hizo imposible cumplir con mi 'trabajo'! Sí, no dejen que las fotos los engañen; está muerta de risa, no sufriendo. Al final, decidí cambiar la estrategia y tiré al decir 'uno', algo que agarró a Flor tan de sorpresa que pegó un grito.
Cuando se dio cuenta de lo que había hecho, y de que no le había dolido para nada, comenzó a reir sin control nuevamente.
Gaby se quedó rascándose la cabeza, pensativa, cuando volvió y nos encontró a los tres llorando de la risa por un diente flojo!
Is she covering her ears? What for??!! - Se está tapando los oídos? Para qué??!!
Again, that's her laughing, not crying - De nuevo, está riendo, no llorando
I love how she looks without her tooth, even more mischievous
Me encanta como luce sin el diente, aún mas traviesa
Me encanta como luce sin el diente, aún mas traviesa
Technorati Tags: Silly Monkey story
I still think that my idea of tying the looth tooth to the rear bumper of the car and pulling away was better...
ReplyDeleteI remember the last time I told her how I would do it:
ReplyDelete"I will tie one end of this thread to your tooth, and the other end to the doorknob. Then I will hit you in the face with the door real hard and voila, not only that tooth will come off but others too!"
She wasn't impressed by my methods...
Hermosa la pequeña canadiense :)
ReplyDeleteHey! You did a great job taking photos, while pulling a tooth and laughing so hard. :P
ReplyDeleteI'm with Gaby, I can't stand loose wiggly teeth or the the pulling. One of the boys figured this out and now every time there is a loose tooth they run up to me say "LOOK!" then use their tongue to wiggle it all over the place. ICK!
ReplyDeleteI also have to agree that she looks pretty darn cute with that missing tooth.