Oh, I’m tired. It’s 1:00 AM or so, and we just came back from two fantastic ski days near Barrie, ON. Well, I didn’t do any skiing, but the kids did, and they loved it! Me, Gaby and Flor would just stay inside watching movies on my laptop and eating snacks. Let me tell you, Florencia is a saint; she never complained about anything and just sat in there and watch cartoons with me both days (Pink Panther on Friday, Fairly Odd Parents on Saturday).
I will post yesterday’s pictures on Monday, because Santi took a few and wants full credit for them. In the meantime, I will leave you with a few from the recent days:
Las fotos de ayer las voy a subir el lunes, porque Santi sacó algunas y quiere crédito por ellas. Mientras, les dejo algunas que son de los últimos días:
Never leave your camera unattended (that’s Juan’s mouth, btw)
Nunca dejes la cámara descuidada (ésa es la boca de Juan, a propósito)
It’s not that we behave better, though! – No es que nosotros nos portemos mejor tampoco…
Santi, the photobomber… – Santi, el arruinafotos…
A nice nocturnal view of Horseshoe Valley. We thought it was the best ski centre we’ve ever been at…until yesterday.
Una linda vista nocturna de Horseshoe Valley. Pensábamos que era el mejor centro de ski que habíamos visitado…hasta ayer.
Technorati Tags: weekly winners
Love the night shot on the slopes!Uh, does your family have a thing about tongues?? LOL! fun photos.
ReplyDeleteFun shots this week. The last one on the slopes is lovely.
ReplyDeleteLove that last shot but all great photos
ReplyDeleteWhat fun! Tell Gabby, cute cake!
ReplyDeleteFelicidades a Gabby por ese apetitoso pastel. La foto nocturna me gusta mucho.
ReplyDeleteLove the last shot.
ReplyDeleteBuenisimo, torta y ski. No importa el orden.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute cake and I love the night shot!
ReplyDeletethe last shot and the cake!! Love them
ReplyDeleteQue bien que hayan salido a divertirse, aunque despues tengas que recuperarte del paseo!!!Ese queque se lo comieron ustedes???!!! Mmmmmm!!!!
ReplyDeleteFun pictures again Gabriel, as usual!!!
ReplyDeleteLos pasteles de Gaby son rellenos de dulce de leche?Me imagino que los chicos deben haber quedado cansadisimos!!!
ReplyDeletePues lo felicito, se ve que pasaron un gran fin de semana....solo por curiosidad...¿cuantos son ustedes?, segun las fotos se ve que son una familia muy numerosa....Saludos
ReplyDeleteSomos 6, Mr. Guzman... Mi esposa (Gabriela) y yo, y cuatro niños: Santiago (13), Carolina (casi 12), Juan (10) y Florencia (5).......Ya lo creo que somos muchos! :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm wishing hard to go on a ski holiday! I have never seen so much snow! It's doesn't snow in sunny Singapore. :(Happy Valentine's Day! I gave you a linky love. :)
ReplyDeleteLindas fotos, Gaby.As usual.