First day of school for everybody, and they all started at a new school (we finally registered the kids in St.Matthew, as they were quite happy with it).
They couldn't sleep last night, so much was the excitement. Carolina was up at 6:30 and she fixed 'breakfast' for everybody (we had to eat it, she had put so much thought on it). They just couldn't wait to go out and walk to the corner where the bus would pick them up. They left 15 minutes early, and we joined them soon afterwards.

But the bus wasn't coming. It was supposed to be there at 8:11, so by 8:20 we were worried and decided to drive the kids to school. Sure enough, the moment we did the bus appeared...
The kids got into the gym and then they were called according to their grade: Santi is in grade 7, Carolina in grade 5 and Juan in grade 4. They were very happy when they came back, saying that they had made friends already, and in Santi's case, he had met at least five guys he knew from soccer. They love the new school, which is such a relief...
At 1:50PM, we went back to the school, to meet Florencia's teacher. She was very nice and told us that Flor will start next Tuesday. She'll be going to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and every second Friday, and she'll be there full day (8:30 AM to 3:00 PM). Florencia just can't wait.
As we were leaving, Florencia said "you see, Dad? I'm big now". I know, Flor. And sadly, there's nothing I can do about it...

Primer día de escuela para todos, y empezando en escuela nueva (al final los registramos en St.Matthew, ya que estaban muy contentos con ella).
No podían dormir anoche, tan excitados que estaban. Carolina se levantó a las 6:30 y 'preparó' desayuno para todos (lo tuvimos que comer, porque había puesto mucho empeño). No podían esperar para salir y caminar hacia la esquina donde los pasaba a buscar el bus. Se fueron quince minutos más temprano, y nosotros los seguimos al rato.
Pero el bus no venía. Se suponía que debería estar a las 8:11, así que para las 8:20 ya estábamos preocupados y decidimos llevar a los chicos a la escuela. Por supuesto, en el momento en que lo hicimos el bus apareció...

A la 1:50PM, volvimos a la escuela para encontrarnos con la maestra de Florencia. Ella pareció muy buena, y nos dijo que Flor empezará el martes que viene. Va a ir martes y jueves, y viernes por medio, y va a hacer jornada completa (de 8:30 AM a 3:00 PM). Florencia no puede esperar.
Cuando nos íbamos, Florencia me dijo "viste, Papi? Yo soy grande ahora". Ya sé, Flor. Y lamentablemente, no hay nada que pueda hacer al respecto...
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