(En español más abajo)
I still remember that poor guy who I used to work with back in 1994/95, who came to see me at the hospital after my accident. This guy, arrogant and bitter, had a miserable live which include some love troubles: he worked with his girlfirend, but was at the same time involved with our manager, who was married. He hated me with passion because he could not understand the fact that I always seemed to be in a good mood. He was convinced that I was the 'fakest' guy of the planet.
This poor idiot still came to visit me to the hospital, maybe hoping he would find me distraught and depressed. Big mistake: he found me looking like crap, with a broken hip, my chest covered in bruises and my face... well, let's not talk about my face. But he arrived minutes after I had been told that Gaby hadn't sustained any major injuries and her pregnancy was no longer at risk. Even more, she was on her way back home to continue resting there (we had been ICU neighbours for a few hours). My 'beloved' co-worker arrived and asked me, pretending to be concerned:
- How are you? ('Now I've got you', he must have thought)
- I'm great, very happy!!! Gaby and the baby are well, and all I have is a broken hip. We should have gotten killed; we were really lucky!!!
That was it for him.
- How can you say that 'you're great'??!! Haven't you looked at your self??!! You look like sh**!!!
They walked him outside and I only saw him once again. Poor little thing, he didn't have the mental or intellectual capacity to understand that there were things in life way more important that the way you look one day. This guy got his revenge, though: he took advantage of my absence to blame for every problem the software we were developing had, and the situation reached a point in which I could not go back to work there. Thank God, I should add.
Coming back to the subject of this post, I was working in Moultrie, Georgia, a couple months ago, updating the radiology software at the local hospital. During one of my (few) breaks, I walked to the vending machines to get a Diet Coke and I happened to walk by the nursery on my way there. That's when I saw something I had never seen before since I started working with this company: a newborn baby.
She was all naked, still purple, and with tubes coming out of her body, the poor thing. She was -at best- 10, 15 minutes old. Her chest was shaking almost with violence due to her rapid breathing, and her face showed the effort she was making. This little girl wasn't having a good time, not yet.
But she had her fists up, like a boxer on his way to the centre of the ring, ready for Round 1.
I have to accept that watching this little girl with her guard up and fighting for his life from the first minute moved me. She was oh so little, so fragile and still was more brave than most adults I know, including myself! I hope life doesn't give her too many reasons to keep her fists up.
Aún recuerdo a ese pobre infeliz con quien trabajaba allá por 1995, y que me vino a ver al hospital cuando tuve mi accidente. Este tipo, amargado y soberbio, tenía una vida miserable y un flor de lío sentimental: trabajaba con la novia, pero a la vez tenía amoríos con nuestra jefa, que era casada. El sujeto me aborrecía porque no podía entender que yo siempre pareciera estar de buen humor. Estaba convencido de que yo era la persona más falsa sobre la faz de la tierra.
Este pobre hombre de todos modos vino a visitarme al hospital, tal vez con la esperanza de encontrarme destrozado y en medio de un pozo depresivo. Craso error: me encontró bastante estropeado, eso sí, con la cadera rota, el pecho amoratado y la cara... ni hablemos de la cara. Pero llegó justo unos minutos después de que me hubieran confirmado que Gaby no tenía lesiones graves y de que su embarazo no corría peligro. Es más, la estaban mandando a hacer reposo en casa (habíamos estado en terapia intensiva juntos por unas horas). Mi compañerito de trabajo llegó y me preguntó, fingiendo aflicción:
- Como estás? ('Ahora sí te tengo', habrá pensado)
- Estoy muy bien, muy contento!!! Gaby y el bebé están bien, y yo sólo tengo la fractuda de cadera. Nos deberíamos haber matado; qué suerte tuvimos!!!
El tipo se sacó por completo.
- Como podés decir que 'estás bien'??!! No te viste acaso??!! Estas hecho m*****!!!
Se lo llevaron y doy fe de que lo volví a ver una sola vez en mi vida. Pobrecito, no tenía la capacidad mental o intelectual para comprender que habian cosas más importantes que mi circunstancial aspecto. Este sujeto se tomó venganza, eso sí: aprovechó mi ausencia para echarme la culpa de cuanto problema tuviera el software que estábamos desarrollando y la situación llego a tal punto que ya no pude volver a trabajar allí. A Dios gracias, debo agregar.
Volviendo al tema de este post, hace unos meses estuve trabajando un fin de semana en Moultrie, Georgia, haciendo una actualización del software del hospital local. En uno de mis breaks, salí a buscarme una botella de Diet Coke y justo pasé por la nursery. Allí me encontré con algo que no había visto en todos mis viajes desde que comencé en esta compañía: una bebita recién nacida.
Estaba desnudita, todavía morada, y toda entubada, pobrecita. Tendría -a lo sumo- diez minutos de haber sido puesta en la incubadora. Su pecho se sacudía casi con violencia debido a su rápida respiración y tenía el ceño fruncido como indicando que no la estaba pasando muy bien.
Pero tenía los puños en alto, como un boxeador caminando rumbo al centro del ring para el primer round.
Debo aceptar que ver a esa bebita con la guardia en alto y dándole pelea a la vida desde el primer minuto me emocionó. Tan chiquitita, tan frágil y sin embargo ya tanto más valiente que muchos adultos que conozco, incluyéndome a mí mismo. Ojalá la vida no le dé muchos motivos a esta niñita para mantener esa guardia en alto.
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