Monday, August 01, 2011

Try something new

(En español más abajo)
USASanti, his friends and my two nieces went to the Barcelona – Manchester United game on Saturday, so that left me, my brother and my sister-in-law free to go out for dinner… an opportunity that we of course took advantage of.
My brother was planning to take me to a Lebanese restaurant (I had never tried Lebanese food before), but when we got there we noticed that there was a Korean restaurant right next to it. We debated and eventually decided to go to the Korean one, it somehow sounded more exotic to us.
Though we had a Japanese appetizer (tempura shrimp), the dishes we chose (and shared) were typically Korean. We ordered a dish called Galbi (갈비), beef ribs cooked on a metal plate in the centre of the table. They were delicious! We also ordered a dish that was mostly fried squid, and my sister in law had a dish that was mostly white rice with chunks of chicken breast, similar to many Chinese plates but much less spicy (and it didn’t look like it was fried).
It was a very interesting experience, and I thoroughly enjoyed the food. I have a preference for South East Asian food (Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Thai) and I can definitely add Korean to the list. A friend of mine has strongly recommended I try Indonesian food next.
I think I’m going to follow his advice! Smile
Santi, sus amigos y mis dos sobrinas fueron al partido Barcelona – Manchester United el sábado, lo que nos dejó a mi hermano, mi cuñada y yo libres para ir a comer afuera… una oportunidad que aprovechamos, por supuesto.
Mi hermano planeaba llevarme a comer a un restaurante libanés (yo nunca había comido esa clase de comida), pero cuando llegamos notamos que había un restaurante coreano al lado. Debatimos y eventualmente decidimos ir al restaurante coreano, porque de alguna manera sonaba más exótico.
Si bien nuestra entrada fue japonesa (camarones tempura), los platos que elegimos (y compartimos) fueron típicamente coreanos. Uno de ellos se llamaba Galbi (갈비), y eran bifes de costillas cocidos en una hornalla en el centro de nuestra mesa. Estuvieron deliciosos! También pedimos un plato que estaba basado en pulpo, y mi cuñada pidió otro que era más que nada arroz blanco con trozos de pechuga de pollo, muy al estilo chino, sólo que mucho menos picante (y no parecía que estuviera frito).
Fue una experiencia muy interesante, y disfruté muchísimo la comida. Yo tengo una ‘debilidad’ por las comidas asiáticas (chino, indio, japonés, tailandés) y creo que puedo agregar la comida coreana a la lista. Un amigo me ha recomendado mucho probar la comida indonesa también.
Será cuestión de seguir su consejo! Smile
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  1. Oh yes try Indonesian, sooo sooo good! Yummmm! If I ever get back to Jakarta I am taking cooking lessons. I am with you, totally love SE Asian Food.

  2. I'm not a huge fan of Korean food but that's probably because the few restaurants I tried were so-so.

    Indonesian food is awesome, I had that quite a lot in Malaysia (Indonesia being so close). Malaysian food is great too, you should try it!


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