Friday, April 18, 2008

Stealing posts #01


CanadaMany times I'm reading somebody else's blog and find one of their posts extremely interesting. I've had bad thoughts, you know?

I've planned to steal those posts and make them look like mine... but then I realized that nobody would believe I'm capable of writing that kind of stuff.

So I am going to go with the runner-up idea: I'm going to start featuring those posts here, making sure that I translate them into Spanish or English according to the post's original language. You will only see the translated version here; if you want to check the post in its original language, you will have to follow the corresponding hyperlink (least I can do is to give them some blog traffic!).

The first entry comes from "Una voz en la ciudad de Québec" by Ricardo. I read it a couple months ago and have been planning to 'steal' it ever since. Its original title is "Vida más allá del blog" (Life beyond the blog). Here it is (not an exact translation):

As immigrants, as readers, we tend to idealize those whose blogs we read. We look forward to socialize. But sometimes it's too late when we realize that we don't have anything in common with them, or even worse, that it's a futile exercise because we will never see them in person.

- Who are you chatting with, Darling?
- Peter, from Budapest.
- You've been chatting for one hour. Do you know him personally?
- No
- Well, why don't you then pay attention to your kids, since you do know them?
- You know what, it's true. Bye Peter!

Any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence.

Muchas veces he leído el blog de alguien cuyos posts me han parecido extremadamente interesante. He tenido malos pensamientos, saben? Planeé robarme esos posts y hacerlos pasar por míos... pero luego caí en la cuenta de que nadie iba a creerme capaz de escribir esa clase de cosas.

Así que voy a aplicar el plan "B": publicaré esos posts aquí, asegurándome de traducirlos al español o al inglés de acuerdo al lenguaje en que haya sido escrito. Aqui sólo verán la versión traducida; si quieren chequear el post en su idioma original, van a tener que hacer click en el hiperlink correspondiente (lo menos que puedo hacer es darles algo de tráfico 'blogueril').

La primera entrada viene de "Una voz en la ciudad de Québec" de Ricardo. Lo leí hace algunos meses y he planeado 'robármelo' hace ya un tiempo. El título original del post es "Vida más allá del blog". Vayan a leerlo! :-)

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  1. very interesting idea. so unique. looking forward to this.

  2. jaja
    es totalmente cierto!
    yo no tengo hijos, pero mi marido a vece también "me pone los puntos" por eso... jeje

  3. Yes. That is so convicting.

    I am deliberately aiming to spend more time with my dear family. :)
    However, it is very interesting to read the stories of others, too.
    And blogging is a great creative outlet. You can see how torn I am here. But, my family wins. They really do.


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