I stopped, of course, and went to help. Told the lady who was driving to get inside (she had one foot out) and the other two ladies to push from the back, while I was pushing from the side. There was a lot of ice, so I couldn't get a good grip; I was slipping every time I tried to push.
I told the lady to put it in reverse and move just an inch back. Then I just leaned against the car as hard as I could and told her to hit the gas pedal. She stepped on it.
Poor little car never had a chance. It almost went to the other side of the street. The ladies thanked me profusely; who knows how long had they been there.
"No problem", I said. "It's just physics; when you have a 300lb guy leaning against a car, it's bound to move...".
Por supuesto, paré y fui a ayudar. Le dije a quien estaba al volante que se metiera dentro (estaba con un pie sacado afuera) y las otras señoras que empujaran desde atrás, mientras yo lo hacía desde el costado. Había mucho hielo, así que no podía afirmarme. Me resbalaba cada vez que intentaba empujar.
Le dije a la señora que conducía que pusiera marcha atrás y lo moviera sólo un poquito. Luego me apoyé contra el auto haciendo toda la fuerza posible, y le dije que apretara el pedal, cosa que hizo.
El pobre auto no tuvo chances. Casi fue hasta el otro lado de la calle. Las señoras me agradecieron muchísimo; quién sabe cuánto tiempo llevaban allí.
"No hay problema", les dije. "Es una cuestión de física; si uno pone a un tipo 300 lb apoyado contra un auto, se tiene que mover...".
Some of my best memories of my father are hanging out at work with him.
ReplyDeleteI am not surprised that she was that well behaved. She is a real little lady.
Ooops! I am still having trouble on your blog..I can't seem to leave comments..So, I commented in the wrong place! :)
ReplyDeleteI was going to say that it was super strength that moved the car!
Física y de suerte, que tu pasaras por alli!
ReplyDeleteAhora eres también el "héroe del camino" jajajjaja
Bien por ti!
Besitos desde el Norte del Sur.