(En español más abajo)
23/Sep/2013 – Florencia (9)
Flor had a soccer tournament with her school yesterday at RIM Park, the same fields where her older brother used to play. She was very excited about having made the team, so she asked Gaby and I several times if we were going to go watch her play. We both agreed, so I snuck out late in the afternoon to watch her last game. I had a conference call at that time, so I was able to ‘stay at work’ while I was watching my daughter run.
And that’s what she did because, boy, does she love to run! Like the many other times I have watched her play, Florencia ran around as if she had unlimited energy, helping her team in the back and then running along with the forwards when they were attacking. They won two games and lost another two, which was enough to finish in 5th position.
Later on, and as we were driving Juan and a friend back from school, we asked her if she had had fun and praised her on her defensive efforts. Her reply amazed us:
- Yes, I know. I had to run all the time. It was like I was the only one who knew what we had to do out there!!
Okay, then…
23/Sep/2013 – Florencia (9)
Flor tuvo torneo de fútbol con su escuela en RIM Park ayer (las mismas canchas donde su hermano supo jugar). Estaba muy feliz de haber entrado en el equipo, y nos preguntó varias veces si íbamos a ir a verla. Los dos dijimos que sí, así que me escapé a la tarde para ver aunque fuera el último partido. Tenía una llamada en conferencia a esa hora, así que pude ‘seguir trabajando’ mientras miraba cómo correteaba mi hija.
Y eso es lo que hizo Flor, porque… cómo le gusta corer! Como tantas otras veces en que la ví jugar, Florencia corrió y corrió como si tuviera energía ilimitada, ayudando a su equipo en la defensa y luego disparándose al ataque para seguir a los delanteros. Ganaron dos partidos y perdieron otros dos, lo que fue suficiente para obtener el quinto puesto.
Más tarde, y mientras traíamos a Juan y su amiga desde la escuela, le preguntamos si la había pasado bien, al mismo tiempo que la felicitamos por su gran tarea defensiva. Su respuesta nos dejó duros:
- Sí, ya sé. Tuve que correr todo el tiempo. Parecía que yo era la única que sabía lo que había que hacer en la cancha!!
Ah, bueno…
Technorati Tags: Silly Monkey story
Well, I always found there were a small handful of players who had to make up for other players who didn't have that drive or the skills. It was that drive that made them do it. I don't think the coaches ever told them they had to. They just knew. :)
ReplyDeleteBueno che, uno tiene que reconocer sus virtudes, que tanto!!!!!